
Periodontics-Gum Infection

There are various types of gum infection such as gingivitis, periodontitis, agressive periodontitis, necrotizing periodontitis. These infections start slowly with the build up of plaque and tartar around teeth due to bad oral habits such as failure to brush, floss, gargle. This can lead to gingivitis in which there is inflammation and bleeding of gums. If left untreated it can progress to periodontitis in which there is inflammation of gums along with bone(periodontal tissues), pus formation, bad breath, mobile tooth, and gum recession. Gum infection is also associated with heart disease and diabetes. Hence it is crucial to prevent these conditions by regular dental check-ups and getting scaling done atleast twice a year.dr-nirav-patel-teeth-care-centre-ahmedabd-best-dental-clinic-best-orthodontist-invisalign-aligners9.jpg0.htm01

clear-aligners-invisalign-ahmedabad -bestdentist-drpanktipatel-drniravpatel-bestorthodontist-bestdentalclinic1-09We at #teethcarecentre have the best #periodontistsinahmedabad who are well experienced and aim to provide uncompromised quality treatments. We use equipments from most eminent brands which render excellent results. We even perform Laser #gumsurgeryinahmedabad using BIOLASE which is one of the best brand in the world.

pedodontics- basic care of milky teeth

#Milky teeth should be given utmost care and attention because they are precursor of permanent teeth. And #decay in them can lead to #gum disease as well as impact the space of #permanent teeth.Regular check-ups (every six months) should be done in #dental#clinic#for#kids#in#ahmedabad. Parents should accompany #children till the age of 5 while brushing and teach them to use it in circular motion. It is recommended to use #flouride toothpaste in pea size amount and brush twice a day, #teeth#flouride#therapy is also a great measure to prevent #rampant decay. #Child should be even taught to gargle after every meal which can prevent #food accumulation and #cavity as a result .



We at TeethCareCentre the NO. 1 #child#dental#clinic#in#ahmedabad with team of specialized, well trained and experienced #child#dentists#in#ahmedabad who are bound to provide uncompromised quality of treatment. We also perform #flouride#treatment#in#ahmedabad,#conscious#sedation#in#ahmedabad , and other specialized treatments.