
What are veneers? What types of veneers are available ?

Dental veneers are wafer thin, custom made shelves of tooth colored material designed to cover the front surface of teeth to improve appearance. Many kinds of veneers are available in the market, but most commonly used are porcelain and composite resins

Veneers are used to beautify the smile in cases of broken or chipped, discolored, abnormally shaped or crooked teeth. veneers can also be used to cover slight gaps between the teeth.



Most widely used veneer:


  • Porcelain veneers : porcelain itself is a brittle material. Although when bonded onto tooth surface, it can get very strong They are tough and can last for upto 10 to 15 years if proper care is taken. They match with the exact shade of your natural teeth and they are difficult to stain. Oral hygiene methods don’t need to change, you can brush and floss normally.


  • Composite resin : a small portion of tooth is cut and composite resin is bonded onto the tooth surface. They are comparatively cheaper than porcelain and also match with the exact shade of the natural teeth. But they sometimes chip off , crack or break ,especially in the front teeth region.


  • lumineers : They are the thinnest and strongest dental veneers. They require minimal to no tooth preparation. The whole procedure is basically pain free.They are slightly translucent. Hence not indicated in cases with severe discoloration.


  • Zirconia : An all ceramic cap is fitted as a veneer onto the tooth surface. They are the much stronger than the traditional porcelain veneers. As zirconia veneers require maximum amount of tooth reduction, they are only indicated in cases where there is severe and extensive damage to the tooth.


Why Teeth Care Centre ?


Dr. Pankti Patel, our chief dentist at Teeth Care Centre, Satellite, Ahmedabad has over a decade of work experience. She holds a diploma in laser dentistry and she has received many awards for her exceptional work in the field of cosmetic dentistry. Dr. Pankti uses the most supreme quality materials to ensure that our patients receive best and long lasting results.

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How is rotary root canal treatment done ?

What is rotary root canal treatment ?

Root canal treatment is an attempt to save a badly damaged , non restorable or infected tooth, instead of removing it. The damaged area is removed , followed by cleaning and disinfecting of the tooth (pulp). The area is than sealed with a filling material and later a crown or cap is fitted on top of it. Common reasons for the need of a root canal treatment include cracked tooth, deep cavities, infections (pus or abscess)  and trauma. Rotary endodontics is a procedure where a power driven instrument is used to perform the root canal treatment. Most accurate cleaning and shaping of root canals can be done by rotary instruments.It significantly reduced the chairside time, and in turn reduces patient discomfort.

In most cases, a root canal treated tooth can live for year or even a lifetime if proper care is taken. Remember that it’s always healthier and cheaper to preserve the natural tooth, rather than extracting and replacing it with a bridge or an implant.123

What to expect during a root canal treatment?

Many patients are scared to get root canal treatments because of what they have heard or remembering previous treatments done years ago. But Latest advances in the technology have made root canal treatments almost painless and very convenient. It is a minor procedure and it nothing to be worried about.

The doctor will take your x-ray and evaluate it. If needed, local anaesthesia will be administered before starting the treatment. An opening will be made in the tooth and the diseased pulp will be removed. The canals will be thoroughly cleaned and filled with a filling material (gutta percha). Antibiotics and painkillers will be prescribed if required.


Why Teeth Care Centre?

Patient satisfaction is our primary motive. We have equipped our clinic with the most advanced dental instruments. we use densply endomotors to perform the root canal treatments. Our certified team of doctors assure patient comfort and minimal pain during and after the treatment

To know about us, visit us at:


What is teeth whitening ?

Teeth whitening is also known as teeth bleaching. Bleaching lightens the teeth beyond natural shades by  removing stains and discolorations.


What causes teeth discoloration?

  • Tea, coffee and red wine contain intense pigments which stick to your enamel,causing discoloration
  • Smoking or chewing tobacco have high contents of tar and nicotine, which leaves very dark and stubborn red-brown or yellow stains
  • As ageing occurs, constant wear and tear takes place and enamel wears off, exposing the underlying yellow dentin layer
  • Trauma causing injury to pulp or dentin.
  • Certain medications and genetic disorders
  • Grinding or clenching of teeth,which erodes enamel


How does teeth  whitening work ?

Teeth whitening is a simple process employed to whiten the teeth using hydrogen peroxide, carbamide peroxide or sodium perborate as bleaching agents.

Teeth whitening can be done by in-office bleaching technique and At-home bleaching technique.

In office bleaching teachnique is done by dental professionals and can be done by laser bleaching or chemical bleaching. The process usually requires one visit and is only repeated if the patient desires even brighter shade. The dentist will apply a bleaching gel to your teeth, let it settle for sometime and wash it off. For at-home bleaching , the dentist takes impressions of your upper and lower arches and fabricate customised trays and night guards for you. Patient is provided with the bleaching agent/whitening strips which patients can use at home, as guided by the dentist.

For whitening non-vital teeth, bleaching agents are placed inside the root canal.

Why TCC?

Dr. Pankti, our chief dentist has over 10 years of work experience. She specializes in the field of cosmetic and laser dentistry. She has received various awards for her remarkable work in this field. Dr. Pankti carries out a thorough evaluation and plans out the perfect treatment procedure for every patient, providing them with best service.

To know more about us, visit us at:
