Lasers have been around in dentistry for more than 20years and have a number of different uses. It is proved that laser dentistry is very safe for patients in 1980, after that many dentists have incorporated dental lasers into everyday procedures – reducing bleeding, Pain, anxiety and post-treatment recovery times. The beauty of dental lasers is that they damage far less of the surrounding tissue than traditional techniques – which means less discomfort and pain. Use of Laser dentistry on every manner has been positively affected including oral medicine, oral surgery, prosthetic dentistry, periodontists, Implantlogy, pediatric and operative dentistry. The ability of the lasers to perform less invasive procedures without any discomfort to the patients had made a high impact on delivery of dental Treatments. This will continue in future as this technology will expand more and more to improve and evolve.
Types of Various Treatments Where Lasers are used in Dentistry:-
There are many uses for lasers in the dental field. Depending on the laser in use, one can perform a variety of dental procedures. Laser is used in mostly all procedure in the dental field; Laser procedures are usually divided into hard and soft tissue. The most common laser procedures are listed below and divided by category.
Tooth Decay: – One type of laser is designed to detect Cavities and can remove decay within a tooth and prepare the surrounding enamel for a filling. Laser is used only for white filling where it harden the material once placed in cavity, but it is not used in case of silver filling.
Gum Disease: – Lasers are used to reshape gums, remove gum bacteria and tissue. It also helps to treat with heavy infections such as root canal.
Soft Tissue Reshaping: – Famous cosmetic dentist Dr Pankti Patel uses laser to adjust patients gum line and help it to create incredible gummy smile. Soft Tissue and Bone both prepares patients mouth for crown placement.
Biopsy: – Lasers are also used to remove pieces of tissue for testing to look for any signs of cancer in mouth.
Lesion removal: – Lasers is used to remove lesions in mouth and relieves pain from mouth ulcers immediately
Wisdom Tooth removal: – Lasers also helps to remove partially erupted wisdom tooth.
Muscle Attachment: – A laser frenectomy is an ideal treatment option for children who are tongue tied and babies unable to breast feed due to limited tongue movement. A laser frenectomy may also help to elaborate speech.
Crown Lengthening: – Dental lasers can reshape gum (soft) tissue and bone (hard) tissue to expose healthier tooth structure and this both reshaping of tissues prepares patients mouth for crown placement.
Dentists also use laser dentistry to treat TMJ, cold sores, gum disease, and benign oral tumors.