
How Tobacco affects Oral Health?

Tobacco is leading cause of oral cancer especially in south Asian countries. Cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, and other forms of tobacco cause oral cancer, gum disease, and other oral health problems.

Tobacco leads to –

  1. Bad breath.
  2. Tooth discoloration.
  3. Increased plaque and tartar.
  4. Increase bone loss.
  5. Oral lesion transforming to oral cancer.
  6. Increased gum and periodontal lesions.
  7. Burning sensation and reduced mouth opening
  8. Reduced saliva formation.
  9. Delayed wound healing after surgery.
  10. Lower success rate of Implants.

According to some American cancer society, about 90% of people with cancer of the mouth, lip, tongue, and throat use tobacco, and the risk of developing these cancers increases with the amount smoked or chewed and the duration of the habit. Smokers are six times more likely than non-smokers to develop these cancers.


About 37% of patients who persist in smoking after apparent cure of their cancer will develop second cancers of the mouth, lips, tongue, and throat, compared to only 6% of those who stop smoking.

At Teeth Care Centre, The diagnosis experts Dr Pankti and her team works for the betterment of the patients and actively conducting awareness program emphasizing on “how tobacco is affecting oral health”. The intervention with Nicotine replacement therapy, avoiding stress as triggers, relaxation techniques and most important to start with is oral prophylaxis to reduce the oral symptoms.

It is better to quit TOBACCO than regret later.


Zygomatic Implants in India

Zygomatic Implants:
Zygomatic Implants are an alternative to rehabilitate the atrophic edentulous maxilla as well as for maxillectomy defects. One zygomatic implant is placed on each side of the maxilla, in combination with 2-4 conventional implants in the anterior region. For the totally resorbed maxilla, when placement of anterior implants is not possible, 2 additional zygomatic implants (Quad zygoma) are placed.
The placement of zygomatic implants requires adequate training and surgical experience. To receive an appropriate overview of the anatomical structures, presurgical 3D planning with CT or CBCT scans is a must.
Treatment is carried out under general or local anesthesia which depends on the patient’s anxiety & compliance level.

– Severe bone loss
– Alternative for sinus augmentation
– Failed sinus augmentation
– Rehabilitation after tumour resection or trauma
– Failure of conventional implants
– Failure of previous bone grafts

– Acute sinus infection
– Chronic sinusitis
– Issues or diseases of the zygomatic (cheek) bone
– Underlying malignant or systemic diseases
– Heavy smoking
– Bisphosphonates therapy (used to treat bone disease such as osteoporosis)

The most common complication associated with zygomatic implants is sinusitis. Other complications reported during and after the insertion of zygoma implants include pain, swelling, infraorbital nerve paresthesia, temporary sensory nerve deficits, orosinusal fistula, cutaneous fistula, perforation of the orbit, moderate nasal bleeding for 1–3 days, intraoral soft tissue problems (gingival inflammation, wound dehiscence), mucositis, periimplantitis, implant failure may occur.

Total Cost Calculation:
Upper Jaw Charges + Lower Jaw Charges
Additional (If you are concerned about anxiety, discuss it with the surgeon for a final quote) + Nitrous Oxide Sedation Charges (If the patient wants with local anesthesia) / Hospital Charges (In the case of General Anesthesia).

Dr. Pankti Patel (B.D.S., M.D.S.):
Dr. Pankti Patel has been extensively trained for Graftless Solutions All​-on​-4 and Zygoma Implants under the mentorship of Dr. Armando Lopes ​(Portugal​) and Dr. Do Thanh An ​(Vietnam​).

Contact Us: 
Teeth Care Centre, 2nd Floor, Pushpak66, Near Someshwar Jain Temple, 132ft Ring Road, Satellite, Ahmedabad 380015, India.
Call: +919377783384 | +917878783384

How Gum surgery helps in creation of Hollywood smile?

Do you ever feel that you have the most beautiful white pearly teeth, but your gums show too much when you smile and you are conscious to smile in public even when you have rightly aligned teeth with no gaps, crowding and stains;

There is a solution to this situation- Periodontist (The dentist who specializes in gum surgery) to improve the gum condition, the bone health and to enhance the visible smile. Gummy smile is one of the aesthetic issue encountered by people, the gum surgery can be done to increase the tooth size and reduction in gums visibility by proper shaping of gums with the help of lasers or manual procedure.


  1. Excessive gums display
  2. Small visible tooth size
  3. Inadequate crown retention
  4. Overextended tooth filling into the gums
  5. Tooth fracture at gum level
  6. Gingival diseases
  7. Periodontal infections
  8. Bone augmentation

Teeth Care Centre has specialized gum surgeon, equipped with latest technology for best possible treatment. Gum surgeries are done under local anesthesia, we provide the option of laser gum surgery, by Biolase lasers which is less traumatic, bloodless and almost painless compared to the conventional gum surgeries performed with blades. Laser gum surgeries are less invasive and therefore ensure faster healing. It is therefore, one of the most widely accepted and preferred treatment option available today. We also use magnification loupes to perform precise and accurate surgery.

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Gum surgeries are also done along with the veneers, aligners and other cosmetic treatment to reduce the gummy smile, de-pigmentation, receding gums and ultimately, to enhance the smile. The team of specialized dentist plans the treatment as per the requirement of the case.  Teeth Care Centre provides wide range of treatment alternatives to beautify your smile conveniently and effortlessly.
