
TMJ: – Laser Therapy

Temporomandibular  joint disorders  or craniomandibular disorder is collective term enfolding a number of clinical problems involving masticatory muscle , temporomandibular  joint and other associated structures.TMJ syndromes are painful, while also leading to dysfunctioning of jaws, making it difficult to open mouth and move jaws.

Laser therapy (a form of physical therapy) is used for the treatment of TMJ to reduce sign and symptoms associated to it like: –

  1. Pain
  2. Discomfort
  3. Clicking sound while opening of mouth
  4. Tiredness of face
  5. Headaches
  6. Swelling of affected TMJ
  7. Toothache
  8. Neck pain
  9. Tinnitus

Factors leading to TMJ problems can be trauma, stress and osteoarthritis. TMJ laser therapy eases discomfort, pain, inflammation and swelling by- Replacement, regeneration and repair of damaged cells, Cellular metabolism and cellular replication.

imagesTeeth Care Centre performs laser therapy under highly skilled and trained professionals by most advanced and world’s no. 1 laser equipment Biolase  lasers, USA . The treatment owes to be non-invasive and painless and no side effects and improvises overall dental experience. On an average a patient requires 5-6 dental visits for effective outcome.


Porcelain Veneers

Dental veneers or porcelain veneers are thin, custom –made shells made of tooth colour material designed to cover front tooth surface to enhance the appearance, as they have translucent hue , it imparts more natural look .These are cemented  to tooth surface changing shape, size and colour of tooth.

Dental veneers are routinely done to fix:-

  • Tooth discoloured due to RCT
  • Stains of drugs
  • Diastema (< 2mm)
  • Misaligned tooth, chipped or broken and attrited
  • To enhance the smile
  • Large resin fillings
  • Fluorosis
  • Other


 Collective approach of cosmetic dentist, laboratory technician, software like Digital Smile Design and clinic setup for cosmetic work is extremely crucial for treatment planning, execution and fabrication of excellent porcelain veneers and provide an enhanced smile and beautiful pearly white dental set.

Teeth Care Centre has highly skilled celebrity cosmetic dentist Dr. Pankti Patel, who helps in attaining superior aesthetics with life like results. Veneering is a cosmetic procedure, it requires an artistic touch in order to sculpt and carve a perfect smile. It is therefore, mandatory to undergo procedures like veneering from a cosmetic dentist, who has the precision and technical skill to achieve superior cosmetic results. We are using world’s no.1 Carl Zeiss loupes for utmost precision and relevant magnification for working field.

Teeth care centre has a team of highly skilled and experienced artisans and technicians who work in accordance with our celebrity cosmetic dentist to produce the best and life changing results.


Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Wisdom tooth extraction is surgical procedure for removal of all four permanent tooth (third molars) in the back corner of mouth on the top and bottom of the jaws, as it has no such functionality in the mouth.

If wisdom tooth doesn’t have enough room for eruption due to small jaws size or naturally mal-positioned in the jaw bones, then it causes pain, infection and restricted mouth opening. It has been suggested by oral surgeons, the removal of wisdom tooth.

Why removal of wisdom teeth:-

Wisdom tooth or third molars are last teeth to erupt in mouth, at the age of 17-25 years. Sometimes they are partially erupted or not at all due to less space. Problems associated to impacted tooth are:-

  1. Pain.
  2. Food lodgement between gums and impacted tooth.
  3. Gums diseases( peri-coronitis).
  4. Tooth decay due to supra-eruption or partial eruption.
  5. Damage to surrounding bone and tissue.
  6. Cyst formation around impacted tooth.

At Teeth Care Centre, skilled and proficient professionals examine and analyze the tooth position and condition through 2D or 3D X-rays for rightful treatment and safe surgery. The whole wisdom tooth extraction procedure is carried under anesthesia for painless and comfortable extraction and if required under conscious sedation for anxious and apprehensive patients. Moreover, we render wisdom tooth removal using dental lasers for blood –free treatment.


Although, surgical impacted tooth removal is most  feared dental treatment , but with latest technology and under skillful oral surgeon the tooth removal can be pain-free and in comfortable scenario and good healing , if care taken as prescribed by the dentist.
