
Importance of computer guided implant surgery


Selection of implant sites and placement of dental implants employing surgical templates developed with CB-CT and software program-mes. There are two typed of surgeries advised

Semi guided: – In this some help is taken with soft tissue surgeries such as flap surgeries , bone grafting and with the help CB-CT also implant placement is done. It is less expensive

Fully guided: – in which i mplant placement is controlled by CT and software imagining in which Implant angulation and its depth is guided by software according to implant size and shape

CB-CT (cone beam computed tomography) becomes integral part of treatment planning in dentistry. It gives ease to both patient and doctor. For patient it is coast effective, least invasive, more ac curate, less postoperative care and maintenance, less anxiety to procedure. For doctor it gives precise position to insert implant without invasive process of flap surgeries, help in locating implant in second stage of surgeries, it is easy to perform it help in drilling depth by locating vital structures such as mental foreman in mandible and inferior alveolar canals and In maxilla; maxillary sinus and its walls and incisive canals.

Why teeth care centre all on 4 india ahmedabad

Here in teeth care centre we provide with best facility regarding implants with newest technologies.we use Nobel Biocare active which has 65 years of clinical  experience, you can get more about Nobel Biocare from www.myimplant.in .here doctors put patient satisfaction at utmost priority. Teeth care centre provides you best implant facility in Ahmedabad we are highest provider of noble Biocare active in india.

For more please visit our official website


Why it is important to replace teeth after extraction??

After extraction a gap develops between two teeth. it is necessary to fill the gap in between,if we do not fill that gap mesial inclination tends to happen in which posterior teeth tend to shift in extracted site by which occlusion get disturbed; contact of upper and lower teeth get distorted, because of that bad chewing habits happens such as cheek bite, lip biting etc

After extraction opposite tooth tend to get supraerupted, in which opposite tooth overgrows or comes out from its socket to fill gap of extracted site to meet opposite force to balance occlusion.

Slight bone loss tend to happen at extraction site but if we don’t replace it as soon as possible more bone loss takes place by mesial shifting or by occlusal forces . To compensate for that we have three majors –

  1. Removable partial denture
  2. Fixed partial denture (crown & bridge)
  3. Implants

In removable partial denture, a plate is made on which tooth is planted. It is made such that you can remove and insert as per your needs

Fixed partial denture (crown and bridge) is a fixed prosthesis which is made after root canal treatment or after extraction to fill the gaps produced at extracted site. Tooth structure is trimmed and a cap is made appropriately. In such prosthesis, slight bone lose may occur underneath.

Implants are fixed prosthesis which are used to maintain the integrity of bone and its shape especially in anterior region and to some extent bone loose can be prevented by these prosthesis

Why teeth care centre??

In our centre we render world class facilities. We maintain utmost care in following the sterilization protocols. Here, you will find various new technologies for filling extracted tooth gap. Dr Pankti Patel, our chief dentist has over of decade experience in dentistry. She is a cosmetic surgeon and has done her fellowship in laser dentistry from Germany. We use implants of top most brands like noble Biocare active.

To know more about us, visit us atpexels-photo-774909



why is early diagnosis of oral cancer important ?

oral cancer kills thousands of people every year. it kills as many people as melanoma and is more common than leukaemia. for saving valuable time of life early diagnosis plays a major role.

what is cancer?

Abnormal, uncontrolled and aggressive cell growth is known as cancer. Cancer can be of 2 types- benign and malignant. Various forms of cancer can be formed in oral cavity also. Most commonly, they are seen at lip, inside lining of lip and cheeks, the bottom of mouth, and the bony roof of the mouth, or hard palate.

Teeth care centre dental hospital ahmedabad gujarat india dentist dental clinic nirav patel pankti patel best interior health care doctor dentistry (13)

Benefits of early diagnosis-

An early diagnosis can literally save lives. Recognizing possible warning signs of cancer and taking prompt action leads to early diagnosis. This increases the chances of successful treatment. Early diagnosis prevents further spread of cancer to other organs. Also, it leads to cheaper treatment.



>chewing tobaccos

>drinking alcohol

>consuming betel nut

>week immune system

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>oral snuff

>infection with certain types of HPV

>sever trauma



Methods of Early Diagnosis

There are 2 major components of early deduction of cancer.

  1. Education to promote early diagnosis
  2. Screening



  1. How to look for Signs and Symptoms of mouth cancer –


If one or more of the following is a persistent issue that you have been noticing, you should consider talking to your doctor –


>A sore that doesn’t heal

> A sore that bleeds

>Difficult or painful chewing

>jaw pain or stiffness

>tongue pain

>poorly fitting dentures

>A growth, lump or thickening of the skin or lining of your mouth

>loose denture


  1. Screening


Screening refers to the use of simple tests across a healthy population in order to identify individuals who have disease, but do not have symptoms yet. There many tests which helps in diagnosing cancers. Some of them include- complete blood count, blood protein testing, tumour marker tests, and circulation tumour cell test. Instruments and equipment like veloscope are also used.



Why teeth care centre?

We have an exceptional team of dentists. We have equipped our clinic with state of the art instruments. Dr. Pankti and Dr. Nirav Patel are highly skilled and have over a decade of experience. We render the best care and services to our patients.

To know more about us, visit us at-
