Selection of implant sites and placement of dental implants employing surgical templates developed with CB-CT and software program-mes. There are two typed of surgeries advised
Semi guided: – In this some help is taken with soft tissue surgeries such as flap surgeries , bone grafting and with the help CB-CT also implant placement is done. It is less expensive
Fully guided: – in which i mplant placement is controlled by CT and software imagining in which Implant angulation and its depth is guided by software according to implant size and shape
CB-CT (cone beam computed tomography) becomes integral part of treatment planning in dentistry. It gives ease to both patient and doctor. For patient it is coast effective, least invasive, more ac curate, less postoperative care and maintenance, less anxiety to procedure. For doctor it gives precise position to insert implant without invasive process of flap surgeries, help in locating implant in second stage of surgeries, it is easy to perform it help in drilling depth by locating vital structures such as mental foreman in mandible and inferior alveolar canals and In maxilla; maxillary sinus and its walls and incisive canals.
Here in teeth care centre we provide with best facility regarding implants with newest technologies.we use Nobel Biocare active which has 65 years of clinical experience, you can get more about Nobel Biocare from .here doctors put patient satisfaction at utmost priority. Teeth care centre provides you best implant facility in Ahmedabad we are highest provider of noble Biocare active in india.
For more please visit our official website