
Laser Therapy in Temporomandibular Joint

#TemporomandibularJoint is the joint connecting jaw bone to the skull. If there is temporomandibular joint disorder there is pain in the jaw joint and the muscles that control jaw movements. For TMJD there are various treatments like Stress management, Physical therapies, Laser therapies, Appliances like bite guard, Splint, Medications like anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics etc. #Low #Level Laser Therapy is used to reduce symptoms of TMD. It is also call Cold Laser Therapy. The laser therapy acts through a dose- specific anti-inflammatory effect. Hence laser therapy is fast growing technology used to treat a multitude of conditions that require stimulation of healing, relief of pain and inflammation, and restoration of function.


At #TeethCareCentre we use #Biolase Laser for various treatments. We have equipped the clinic with most advanced technology machines to provide all the treatments under one roof. #MakingSmileIncredible