
Tooth wearing and its treatment

Enamel is the hardest inorganic substance in our body but due to some pathological or physiological changes tooth wearing occurs. Tooth wearing is irreversible loss of tooth structure resulting in pain, unlikely look and functional impairment of teeth.

Tooth wear is of FOUR types: –

  1. Abrasion: – It is non carious, mechanical wear of tooth from external forces other than tooth contact. Abrasion is usually due to improper brushing technique (vigorous horizontal tooth brushing), nail biting and pipe smoking.
  2. Erosion: – It is chemical process in which acid dissolves the outer most layer of tooth i.e enamel not originating from bacteria. It can be intrinsic (acid re-flux, vomiting) or extrinsic (dietary habits). Often, high amount of carbonated drinks, sodas and acidic juices leads to erosion of teeth.
  3. Attrition: – It is loss of tooth structure due to tooth – tooth contact. The friction caused due to rubbing of upper and lower teeth leads to reduction in tooth enamel and tooth size. Although it is considered normal process of ageing, but some people have unintentional aggressive rubbing of teeth leading to sensitivity, pulp exposure and pain in Temporomandibular joint.
  4. Ab-fraction: – It is pathological loss of tooth structure due to bio-mechanical loading of tooth resulting in deep notches, wedge shaped or V-shaped near gum area of tooth. This type of tooth wear occurs due to stress and increased occlusal loading during chewing and swallowing.

depositphotos_3293056-stock-photo-pretty-smiling-girlAt Teeth Care Centre, the very skillful dentist and cosmetic surgeon after detailed analysis rectifies the cause for the tooth wear. The right technique of teeth brushing is dictated and the emphasis on good diet is done for removal of primary factor in erosion and abrasion. The attrition and ab-fraction can be treated by use of mouth guards and resin filling to prevent it from decaying. Our team have successfully imparted beautiful smiles and further aim to bring out the beautiful luminous smile that you truly deserve against all odds by awareness and cosmetic treatment.
