
Damage caused by Acidic Beverages to the Teeth

Many of us are addicted to cold drinks, tea and coffee; unknowingly we are degrading the oral tooth structure by taking acidic and sugary content in excessive amount in diet. Unaware of the fact, that these drinks weakens the tooth and produces adverse effects.

The drinks we take affect the teeth primarily due to the acidic nature of drinks and sugar content in it. Anything that measure 5.5 or less on the pH scale is considered acidic. Acidic foods and drinks soften tooth enamel, which makes teeth sensitive and vulnerable to damage, such as cavities and tooth erosion.

Potential negative effect on teeth due to acidic beverages: –

  • Dental erosion (erosive tooth wear): – It is the situation of a chronic loss of dental hard tissue that is chemically etched away from the tooth surface by acidic drinks without bacterial involvement.
  • Bad Breath: – Firstly, increased amount of acidic intake lead to increased bacterial activity around teeth and gums and enhances the decaying of tooth. Secondly, it decreases the salivation and ultimately increasing the dryness of mouth
  • Tooth decay: – Sugary food and acidic drinks de-mineralizes the tooth structure due its stickiness and reducing the pH of saliva, increases the bacterial activity and decays the tooth structure.
  • Stains: – The acidic drinks like tea, coffee and wine etc, stains the tooth structure.Young beautiful woman with long blonde curly hair and green eyes,beautiful smile, spends time alone in the city Park in the summer, posing for the photographer on the background of green plants in a Sunny day

At Teeth Care Centre, the diagnosis is the key to any progressive disease; the well-skilled dentist performs the professional care and examination to understand the root cause for the problem and suggestive treatment performed with utmost care and precision.



Teething is one stage of babies’ life where the milk tooth starts to erupt from gums.

Teething begins in between 4- 7 months or later in kids, but there is no such timeline for the teething to start; it solely depends on baby teeth. The lower front baby teeth erupts first, so there can be little bump in gums and proper oral hygiene should be maintained by parents.


  1. Swollen and tender red gums
  2. Fever
  3. Coughing
  4. Drooling
  5. Rubbing cheeks and gums
  6. Fussiness and crying, cranky behavior
  7. Wanting to chew every object
  8. Changes in sleeping and eating pattern

There can be other symptoms in child during teething as congestion, diarrhea, high fever, so constant observation by child specialist is beneficial.

Treatment for teething: –

  1. Cold pacifiers
  2. Teething toys or ring
  3. Hard unsweetened crackers
  4. Gentle massage to the gums
  5. The proper cleaning of gums with a wet gauze pad after feedings.
  6. Once those teeth appear, prevent early decay by limiting their bedtime bottle to water and sweetened milk.adorable-baby-beautiful-bed-thumbnail

At Teeth Care Centre, the child specialist emphasizes on early visit into dental hospital, within 1 year of childbirth. The examination and guidance plays important role for parents during teething phase.

The ultimate aim is to create awareness and proper maintenance of oral hygiene of baby.


Conscious Sedation in Dentistry

Sedation dentistry is the procedure where medications are used to send the patient in a state of calm and relaxation. These drugs are either inhaled or swallowed or injected, depending upon the type of sedation. Sedation dentistry works as a boon for anxious patients and in cases with long and painful dental procedures. Sedation dentistry helps patients relax during their dental visits and enables them to get the treatments they deserve.

At Teeth Care Centre we provide the most safest and convenient form of dental sedation, the world’s no.1 Matrx brand of nitrous oxide as conscious sedation. No pills or injections are used. A mask is placed over the nose and nitrous oxide gas is passed through it. As you begin to breathe in the gas, you slowly drift off into a stress-free state. Minimal to zero pain is felt during this phase, and sometimes you may easily fall asleep. But you will be able to respond to the dentist’s command. The effect of the gas wears off as soon as the mask is taken off.

Portrait Smiling Model Happy Woman Smile

You will gain full consciousness immediately. Sedation through nitrous oxide has no side effects and it’s safe for both children and adults. It is most commonly used for those who experience anxiety while undergoing dental treatments. This form of conscious sedation relieves them of all the fear and apprehension and makes the treatment procedure very smooth and healthy for patient experience. Our concerned dentist is highly trained and certified to perform conscious sedation; so that you can be assured that you are in safe hands.
