Baby Bottle Tooth Decay is a term used to describe the decay that develops when baby teeth have frequent and prolonged contact with too much sugar. It can occur when babies are put to bed with a bottle, when a bottle is used as a pacifier, or if a baby uses a bottle for extended periods.
Baby bottle tooth decay is caused by frequent and long-term exposure of your child’s teeth to sweetened fluids, such as formula milk, fruit juice, and syrups with sugar or honey. Sugars from these fluids tend to cling to your child’s teeth and feed bacteria in the mouth, which produce acids that attack the teeth.
Babies do lose their baby teeth, but infant cavities can be a severe problem. Children need their teeth to chew, speak, and smile. Baby teeth hold the space for permanent teeth. If your child loses a baby tooth too early, the adjacent teeth are more likely to tilt or drift into the space and create limited space in the jaw for the permanent tooth to erupt. If left untreated, the permanent tooth can become crowded or be blocked from erupting.
The first signs of Baby Bottle Tooth Decay are white spots on the smooth surfaces of the front teeth. If untreated, these white spots will quickly develop into tooth decay. Teeth that already have decay may appear brown or black. It most often occurs in the upper front teeth, but other teeth may also be affected.
Ways to prevent Baby Bottle Tooth Decay
- Place only formula, milk, or breast milk in bottles.
- Avoid filling bottles with sugar water, juice, or soft drinks.
- If your child uses a pacifier, provide one that is clean; don’t dip it in sugar or honey.
- Don’t put your child to sleep with a bottle of juice or milk. The sugar in the liquid will remain on your infant’s teeth for hours.
- Don’t let your child walk around with a bottle of juice or milk.
- Wipe the baby’s gums with a clean gauze pad or washcloth after each feeding.
- Begin brushing your child’s teeth as soon as they grow. Brush gently with a child-size toothbrush and a small amount of fluoride toothpaste until age 3.
- Floss your child’s teeth after all of them have grown in.
- Encourage healthy eating habits, and limit sweets in general.
- Schedule regular dental visits by your child’s first birthday.
Proper dental hygiene and regular visits to pediatric dentists in Ahmedabad for check-ups and cleanings are essential for a lifetime of good dental health. At TEETH CARE CENTRE we has a team of specialists who have the best pedodontist who performs all the treatment related to children.