The first tooth appears in baby’s mouth at 6 months of age. This tooth development starts when the baby is inside mother’s womb, so basic care should start from there .The mother should have healthy diet and regular medical check up. Intake of some medicine like tetracycline, phenytoin and increased bilirubin level may discolor the tooth.
The child should be introduced to the dentist at the age of 6 months because the dentist tells how to take good care of baby gums and after each feeding the gums should be wiped off to protect some other infection.
The child’s mother is taught how to help child while brushing, how important it is to inculcate the habit of twice brushing and maintaining oral hygiene. The parents are also told right size of toothbrush to use and how toothpaste helps to avoid decays. Usually parents don’t wean the child from bottle feeding till 4-5 years of age and it results in multiple tooth decays. It is important to teach child brushing technique by dentist and regularly prophylaxis and fluoride application.During transition stage from milk teeth to permanent teeth, the parents and child do not emphasize on the Interceptive treatment for alignment of teeth. The milk teeth should be regularly checked by dentist and treat the decayed tooth and stop the spread of infection to the permanent teeth. The child’s teeth misalignment can affect speech and confidence to stand in public.The growth modulation treatments are suggested when there is discrepancy in the jaw size and teeth. Early intervention helps in the guidance of permanent teeth and reduces the changes of crowding, gaping and improper facial profile.
At Teeth Care Centre, the Pedodontist provides endless benefits to child with ease, comfortable environment and holistic approach. They are well trained to make brushing and taking care of teeth fun for child along with motivation. Pedodontist also rectify the thumb sucking, lip biting and other abnormal behavioral activity by child through behavioral management techniques.