
How much dental implant cost in Ahmedabad, India?

The average cost of dental implants with crown in the United States is around $4,000and in UK £3500. That is the out-of-pocket cost for the implant itself, the abutment, the crown, and the surgery. The prices for dental implants still vary pretty widely. Part of the reason is that some clinics will offer the price for the full procedure and all of the hardware, while some will only offer a quote for placing the implant itself (which we’ll get into later). On average, getting dental implants done in India can save you because it is very low in price compare to other countries.


NAME PRICE % OF High price than INDIA
UNITED STATES $4000 371%
UK $3500 312%
 SPAIN $2750 224%
ITALY $1800 112%
MEXICO $1600 88%
LITHUANIA $1400 65%
ROMANIA $1250 47%
COSTA RICA $1000 18%
TURKEY $1000 6%
HUNGARY $900 6%
THAILAND $900 6%
INDIA $850 0%

From this chart you can get guidance for the cost of dental implants in various developed n developing countries

How to get Affordable Dental implants in India?

When you are planning to get Implant, first question arise “How to Get Affordable Dental Implant Solution” As you know already Dental Implant Procedure is not so cheap .For every tooth Dental Implant you have to pay a lot. The cost paid in western countries for dental care, the same can be done in multi specialty clinics and hospitals in India – and this can be clubbed with a grand holiday in India which comes for free as the cost of dental treatment in India is nearly a tenth compared to western and European countries. Dental Implant in India is inexpensive as compared to the western countries. India, we have clinics with state to the art equipment and well trained experienced doctors to match the best of international standards.India has one of the best qualified professionals in each and every field, and this fact has now been realized in all over world.  Cost of dental implants can be out of the reach of many people; however through our systems-based approach, and our creativity, we are able to make dental implants more affordable. So thousands of peoples every year travel from abroad to INDIA for getting affordable DEDNTAL IMPLAMTS done.


Teeth Care Centre Dental Hospital is ECO-FRIENDLY with INTERNATIONAL STANDARS and EQUIPPED with latest TECHNOLOGIES. The success of your journey with us is paramount and we always put your health, care and well-being first. We know dental issues can affect your confidence in everyday life, which is why we pride ourselves in ensuring all our patients leave the clinic with happy, healthy and confident smiles. Nervous and scared patients need not to worry as our Doctors are friendly and warm staffs are here at every stage to guide and support you throughout your treatment. At Teeth Care Centre Dr. Nirav Patel and Dr. Pankti Patel is very skilled and besides successfully treating a good no. of national and international patients every year, they have achieved the mile stones of the success by spreading their skills to all over the world. Our Dentists are professionals but most importantly they are people just like you and they can empathise with people in all sorts of dental situations. Do not worry, you’re in safe hands!

Nobel Biocare Company who is pioneer and World leader in innovative implant-based dental restorations from single tooth to full mouth restoration. We exclusively do noble Biocare implants the one and only top class brand just because any patient can get follow up or service of this brand of implant anywhere in the world if patient is facing any problem with it.

Affordable dental implants

Losing teeth, due to age or injury or due to any disease is very painful and traumatic, in looks, during smiling, having food and also while speaking and even cause further problem also like natural teeth to move out of their correct positions. So, due to all this problems first question arise what to do. For that you consult implant dentist and take an opinion to replace missing teeth.Dental implant AHMEDABAD

Dental implant is used in replacing a single tooth, several teeth or even all of your teeth. The implant itself looks like a screw or cylinder and is placed into the jaw. Over the period of 3 to 6 months, the implant and jawbone bond together to provide a strong support for the crown. An abutment is used as an extension to complete the foundation for the new tooth to be attached. Implant is made of titanium material. There are alternative treatments for missing teeth such as dental bridges and dentures, but both these treatments come with an expiry date. Even if you adhere to a strict maintenance routine, bridges and dentures won’t last more than 10 years. At some point of time, you may need to replace your bridges or dentures. In a dental bridge treatment, a considerable amount of damage is done to neighbouring teeth; hence, this treatment is less preferable. Moreover, there are chances of cavities and decay. Whereas in, implant chances of cavity and decay is not there, Implants guarantee long-term solution to missing teeth, help you retain your natural face shape and smile and guarantee healthy, natural looking teeth, implants do not damage any bone or root. In fact, it stimulates the bone growth and preserves the adjacent natural teeth and gums. However, the scenario is totally different with dental implants. If you follow a daily maintenance and care routine, they can last a lifetime. Overall Implant allows you speak, talk and laugh naturally without worrying about your teeth.

Factors Affect Dental Implant Cost:

One of the most important and common question ask by the patient is cost effective Dental Implant. There are so many factors affect the cost of placing an implant is that.

  • How many Implants are to be placed?
  • The presence of gum disease which is to be cured before placing an Implant
  • Bone loss – If the missing tooth has already affected the jaw bone, procedures may be required, such as bone grafting.
  • The Brand or type of material to be used in implant, post, abutment and crown can also affect the cost of Dental Implant.
  • Sinus Lift- If Patient has sinus than it include extra cost of sinus lift in procedure of placing Implant.
  • X-rays-Even X-rays and C.T Scan which is required to analysis of placing Implant can also be consider as cost affecting Dental Implant.
  • Specialisation- If you are undergoing a complex dental implant surgery the effort n labour requires in this process is more extensive because such cases are handled by only experienced Dentist, he would be likely to charge more.

Implant dentist use special kind of appliance for treatment process and usage of such apparatuses demands high cost.

Why implant is expensive in developed country?

Dental care is not a commodity: In developed countries like, Canada, UK, Ireland, Australasia and USA the dental implant treatment is very expensive and not affordable to many people because there is high profit margin in developed countries because their standard of living is high.  Anywhere from 60% to 80% of what a patient pays goes toward the expense of running a modern dental clinic. Dentists pay for rent or mortgage payments on their office space, payroll for hygienists, office managers and receptionists, paramedical assistants & associate doctors, Marketing costs, like signage and advertising, taxes, supplies, business n staff insurance and technology — just to name a few. Even Service charges are very high compare to that of Developing countries. “A lot of people would be surprised to know how tight the profit margins are”.

Finding Low Cost Dental Implants & Saving Money on Dental Implants  

There are many way to save money on dental implant.

1 Finding Best Rates: To find the best rates, patients should get quotes from several dentists, asking for a comprehensive breakdown of the fees and estimated total cost of the necessary consultations, imaging (x-rays or CT scans), anesthesia, surgery, materials (post, abutment and crown) as well as any additional procedures such as sinus lifts and bone grafts.

2 Travels Abroad: Taking the search a step further, dental tourism in India has become a popular option for those searching for low cost dental implants. Countries such as, United States, Canada, UK, France, Oman and UAE are very costly comparing to India. India has become a favoured destination, for tourists, not just for its esthetical topography and mystical Arts & culture but also for Dental /Medical Tourism. The Cost of Treatment and Dental Insurance being the major contributing factors. In most developed/Western countries, dental insurance coverage is low where as the cost of treatment remains exorbitant, thus remaining very expensive and inaccessible to the public at large. In comparison, the cost of Dental Treatment in a country like India, is comparatively much lesser, and at the same time provides the same quality of Care.