
Child Friendly Dentistry at Teeth Care Centre

#TeethCareCentre is one of the leading providers of #child #dental #care in #Ahmedabad..We have incorporated #conscious #sedation in our #clinic which helps in relieving #anxiety and #fear associated with #dental #procedures in #children.It calms the child and increases the overall #treatment acceptance.


Besides adopting #child #friendly method of #conscious #sedation , we also have a team of highly qualified #child #dentists who are well versed with #child #dental #care and professionally trained to deal with #children and their #behavioural #patterns. We aim to render #painfree #dental #treatments in order to make the entire #dental #experience of your #child as pleasant as possible. In this way we are able to address #child’s needs and demands and make their #dental #experience smooth and happy.

Regular Check Up In Children

#Regular #dental #check up is extremely important to maintain healthy teeth and gums.  It helps to keep the #dental #problems at bay. This is turn ,helps to maintain healthy #milk #teeth which play a major role in guiding development of permanent teeth. #Regular dental visit is recommended at least twice a year by your #dental #professional. Moreover it keeps a check bad #oral #habits prevalent in #children and takes steps to break those.

 #TeethCareCentre is known to provide the #best #kid #dentalcare in #Ahmedabad.We have team of the finest #childdentist in #Ahmedabad. So,next time if you notice any of these signs of #dental #caries in your child’s mouth, do not hesitate to visit the #best #dental #clinic in #Ahmedabad.conscious-sedation-drniravpatel-drpantipatel-clearaligners-invisalign-bestorthodontist-ahmedabad1389

Basic Care of Implants

#Implants are #titanium posts which are embedded into the #jawbone below the #gums to replace #missing root or roots of the #teeth. They look and function like your natural teeth and therefore it is equally important to take care of these #implants like you would for your natural teeth.It is necessary to clean your implants atleast twice a day especially after your meals.#Brushing and #flossing should be properly done on the sides of the implants in order to prevent #food #lodgement.Regular use of #antimicrobial #mouthwash is recommended to prevent #infection.For #bruxers and #night #grinders, #occlussal #guards are used ,to reduce occlussal load on the implant.
#TeethCareCentre is one of the #best #dental #clinic in #Ahmedabad and therefore, we believe in using only the #best #implant, #Nobel #Biocare in our clinic in order to ensure maximum patient satisfaction.High success rates of #implant #surgeries make us one of the #best an #implant #centres in Ahmedabad.

Woman teeth
Woman teeth