
TMJ- Splint therapy in TMD

TMJ is the temporo-mandibular  joint which connects jaw to the skull. This joint is responsible for opening and closing of the mouth as well as side to side movements of the jaw. Any group of disorders that cause disruption in chewing system including teeth, jaw, muscle, jaw joint or the jaw bone are termed as temporo-mandibular joint disorders.

There are number of treatment options available for TMJ pain relief in case of mild to moderate cases.






One such treatment is Dental Splinting-

Dental Splints are the most common treatment for TMDs. These splints are used for short period of time. They do not cause permanent changes in the teeth or jaw. It includes bite plates and mouth guards which are custom made by dentist. Dental splints can help ease muscle tension and stabilize the jaw. Many people who have TMDS find splint therapy helpful for treating pain and muscle tension.


Cosmetic- Smile Makeover

A beautiful radiant smile is the key to anyone’s heart. Your smile is the proof of your amiability and competence.

Maligned, malformed, crooked or yellowish teeth often make you self conscious and bring embarrassment. It’s no secret that a bad smile because of the bad teeth impacts in creating a bad personality and can affect one in various social issues like getting a job, marriage etc.

This is where smile makeover comes to the rescue. A smile makeover not only overhauls your aesthetic issue, but also fixes your overall oral health.











At Teeth Care Centre, our specialized doctors and cosmetic  dentist have successfully treated number of dental defects like discolored teeth, missing teeth, crooked teeth, gaps between the teeth, chipped teeth, gummy smile and misshapen teeth with smile makeover. All our procedures are painless and anxiety free ensuring maximum patient comfort and satisfaction.


Pedodontics- Conscious Sedation

Conscious Sedation is use to send the patient in a state of calm and relaxation for those who are anxious and fearful while visiting a dentist.











We at #TeethCareCentre use the world’s no 1 Matrx brand of nitrous oxide as conscious sedation. A mask is placed over the nose and nitrous oxide gas is passed through it. As soon as you begin to breathe in the gas, ,you slowly drift into a conscious but stress free state. The effect of the gas wears off as soon as the mask is taken off. Conscious Sedation has no side effects and its safe for both children and adults.

Our chief dentist, Dr. Pankti Patel is highly trained and certified to perform conscious sedation so that you can be assured that you are in safe hands.
