

Gum disease can occur at any age but is more profound in middle age, especially in women. Hormonal imbalance is one of the factors that cause receding gum line. As aging of the teeth occur, it affects the surrounding gum tissue causing recession of the gums. This is aggravated during menopause. A number of studies indicate relation between fluctuating estrogen levels and oral health. Hormonal fluctuation leads to inflammation of the gingival/ gum tissue. Low estrogen levels cause weakening of jawbones and teeth, leading to gum recession. Bleeding gums also occur due to hormonal imbalance along with a compromised immunity, as estrogen hormone regulates our immune system.

What approaches are to be taken in order to assuage the deterioration of oral health?

A modification in your lifestyle is important for healthy oral tissues. A balanced diet, intake of calcium consisting foods and foods consisting vitamin A and Vitamin C is essential. Calcium leads to a healthy jawbone and vitamin C renders an efficient immune system, leading to reduced gum inflammation and recession as well as an ability to fight the oral bacteria causing deterioration of the oral health. Hormone regulating supplements could be taken. In case of aggressive gum disease due to hormonal imbalance, Hormonal Replacement Therapy could be the last resort. The most important approach is maintain an exceptional oral hygiene, visit the dentist for a regular cleaning because greater the accumulation of tartar, greater the recession.

Why Teeth Care Centre?
Dr. Pankti Patel, our Chief dentist at Teeth Care Centre, Satellite, Ahmedabad thoroughly conducts clinical evaluation and if required, radiological evaluation, and provides precise and exceptional treatment. The equipment and instruments used for cleaning cause nil damage to the teeth or gums as they belong to the best international brands. The methods of treatment employed by Dr. Pankti cause least discomfort to the patient. To know more about Dr. Pankti, visit us at: http://www.panktipatel.com


Corrective jaw surgery, also known as the Orthognathic Surgery is the surgical procedure for correction of dental and skeletal abnormalities. In cases where orthodontic treatment or braces treatment would not suffice, orthognathic surgery has to be undertaken. A multidisciplinary team is crucial for satisfactory outcomes. An Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon, an Orthodontist and in many cases, a speech therapist might be required. Jaw surgery is required when there is excess upper jaw or lower jaw growth and protrusion, temporomandibular joint pathology, receded chin, cleft palate cases, wherein malocclusion is present but orthodontic / braces treatment would not suffice as the discrepancies are skeletal along with dental. The skeletal discrepancies might cause difficulty in chewing, swallowing, wear of teeth, unaesthetic facial appearance and/or excessive straining of the jaw muscles resulting in pain.

What is the procedure?

A thorough pre operative clinical and radiological evaluation including photographs is to be done. The surgery is performed under General Anaesthesia. Excision of the jaw bone, known as osteotomy is performed using burs, chisels and/or piezoelectric saws. Cuts are made in the bone and repositioning of the jaw bone is done in desired alignment. Nasal intubation might be required. Jaw immobilization is done by the aid of wiring. Braces might be required before and after the treatment and retainers after the treatment to prevent relapse. Post operatively, a strict liquid diet has to be consumed. Healing occurs within 2-6 weeks depending on the type of orthognathic surgery, wherein bone remodelling takes place. Follow up visits are to be done.

Why Teeth Care Centre Dental Hospital?

Dr. Pankti Patel, our Chief dentist carries out thorough evaluation and educates the patient regarding the treatment and the possible outcomes. Dr. Nirav Patel, BDS, MDS, PhD specializes in the field of orthodontics. Teeth Care Centre, Satellite, Ahmedabad has a multidisciplinary team of doctors including Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons who carry out the surgical procedures with ease, employing stringent sterilization protocols and computer aided technologies.

To know more about Teeth Care Centre Dental Hospital, visit our website.


Oral Surgery is a branch of dentistry that involves surgical intervention. The most common oral surgical procedure is the extraction/removal of the teeth. Other procedures include dental implant placement, jaw surgeries, cyst removal etc.

Why Sterilization?

Our oral cavities are harboured with microbes. Improper sterilization might lead to spread of germs and infections from the patients to patient. This spread is especially apparent when the dental instruments are improperly sterilized, with remnants of infectious microbes, causing cross contamination. Patients undergoing oral surgical procedures are especially vulnerable to infections like HIV or hepatitis as these procedures are invasive and might easily cause blood contamination.
dental sterilization teeth care centre ahmedabad

What are the consequences of improper sterilization and disinfection?

  1. Infections like Hepatitis and HIV.
  2. Re- infection after the surgical procedure. Might cause the accumulation of pus known as abscess formation.
  3. Dry socket post extraction of a tooth, which is failure of formation or dislodgement of the blood clot due to infection, leaving to poor healing of the surgical site.

Why Teeth Care Centre (TCC)?

TCC adheres to stringent 7 step sterilization protocol that meets the Centre for Disease Control and American Dental Association guidelines. We have a separate sterilization area and private operatories with single treatment units to prevent cross contamination and provide a sterile environment. TCC follow highest level of infection control by employing class B autoclave Melag Vaccuclave 23B+ from Germany to ensure 100% protection against microorganisms. We have an efficient team of doctors ensuring minimal or nil chances of post operative complications.

To know more, visit us at:  http://www.teethcarecentre.com