

Myobraces is preventive pre-orthodontic treatment that focuses on addressing the underlying causes of crooked teeth, often without the need of braces allowing natural growth and development. Myobraces treatment is best suited to children aged 3-15 years and involves using a series of removable intra –oral appliances that are worn for 1-2 hours each day plus overnight while sleeping.

Myobraces treatment does: –

  • Correct poor oral habits
  • Develops and align jaws
  • Straightens the teeth
  • Optimize facial development
  • Promotes healthy eating habits

children-3471587_1280Poor myo-functional habits (poor oral habits) are evident before all permanent teeth are present in mouth which means treatment cause aroused much before thought originally. Myobraces deals with these incorrect myo-functional habits by teaching children to breathe through their nose, rest the tongue correctly in roof of the mouth, swallow correctly and continue widening of the jaws, so they grow full and proper size naturally without the need of braces.

At Teeth Care Centre, we have a team of pedodontist, orthodontist who works in accordance with each other to plan the treatment. The appliances assist in correcting poor oral habits and expand the arch-form while exerting light forces to align the teeth and jaws. Separate appliances are used depending on the child’s age and type of orthodontic problem. Growth modification appliances will help to eliminate the need of undergoing corrective surgery and extensive orthodontic treatment in future. When you see any sort of discrepancy in your child, it is advisable to take the opinion of your dentist at the right time.
