Thumb-sucking is the earliest and the most common habit seen in infants. From the time, they are born there is a natural instinct of survival in them, one of which is thumb-sucking. Thumb-sucking provides comfort and security, reminiscent of the comforting womb environment. Sucking of the thumb is a normal habit in the early ages of the infant but is a cause of concern if it continues up to an older age. Sucking on a thumb provides a sense of security and emotional comfort, allowing the child to regulate their emotions and cope with stress and anxiety. Moreover, it aids in the natural instinct of feeding, as newborns suckle at their mother’s breast for nourishment.
Reasons for thumb-sucking:
- Self-comfort: Sucking of thumb or digits helps infants’ self soothe from stressful situations or overwhelmed emotions.
- Mimicking: Children often mimic other children and their actions, which can lead to mimicking habits like thumb-sucking.
- For Sleep: For many kids, thumb sucking can be a way to relax their bodies which eventually leads them to fall asleep.
- Teething: During the time of tooth eruption, there is discomfort in the gum region, leading to thumb-sucking to soothe the teething discomfort.
- Boredom: Sometimes, when kids are bored doing anything, they tend to initiate thumb-sucking.
As children grow older, the thumb-sucking habit may go away eventually. But, if the thumb-sucking habit still persists beyond the age of 3-4 years, then the guardians or parents should be concerned.
Prolonged Thumb-sucking habit can lead to:
- Dental Problems: Misalignment of teeth, and improper development of the jaw, and palate can occur.
- Social and emotional Disturbances: If children have a persistent habit of thumb-sucking, it causes malignment of teeth, and this eventually can lead to social life disruption for the children. There can be teasing, causing social anxiety and embarrassment issues in further life.
- Speech Problems: Due to the improper development of jaws, speech can be affected.
- Skin Problems: There can be chapping, skin irritation and dryness of the mouth.
- TMJ Problems: In some cases, due to thumb-sucking there can be strain produced on the Temporomandibular joint causing pain and discomfort.
Management of Thumb-sucking Habit:
- Identify the Triggers: Try to observe why is your child thumb-sucking. Is it because he or she is bored or anxious or overwhelmed by the stressful situation? It can help to know the underlying cause of the thumb-sucking trigger which can help to rectify it.
- Pacifier use limitation: If you have a habit of giving a pacifier to your kid every time he or she cries or throws a tantrum, then reduce that. Reducing the use of pacifiers can lead to stopping the thumb-sucking habit.
- Positive Reinforcement: Instead of scolding or punishing to stop the thumb-sucking habit, try to provide praise or positive reinforcement to the kid. Rewarding the child for the efforts of breaking the habit can help eventually stop it.
- Be Patient: Patience plays the main role here. Breaking a habit takes time, so instead of getting impatient, try providing encouragement for the same.
- Distraction: Try to Distract your kid when u see a trigger coming by giving them a toy to play with or reading a book for them.
- Offer comfort: As we know many kids do the thumb-sucking to seek comfort. To prevent thumb-sucking give them a cosy blanket or soft toy or teach them deep breathing techniques.
- Thumb Guards: For older children trying to break the habit, provide thumb guards, which are specially designed for breaking the thumb-sucking habit.
- Seek Professional Help: If thumb-sucking is causing dental issues or persists despite your efforts, consult a paediatric dentist or orthodontist. They can provide additional guidance and support to manage the habit effectively.
Every child is unique. So, what might work for one, may not work for another kid. With patience and understanding, most children can successfully break the habit and transition to healthier ways of coping and self-soothing.
Teeth Care Centre is the Best Dental Clinic in Ahmedabad for all age groups, so we understand that every child is unique and their needs are important. So, to address the concerns of their parents we have a highly experienced team of Paediatric Dentists. Not only do they provide the best diagnosis and treatment for your kid, but also provide psychological counselling to the kids and their parents to make sure their first dental visit is fearless.