Is Sedation Dentistry Safe ?

child-enjoyment-family-fatherSedation dentistry is the use of medication to help patients relax during dental procedures. It is also known as sleep dentistry, although patients are not actually asleep during the procedure. Sedation dentistry can be used for any dental procedure, from routine cleanings to more complex treatments such as root canals or extractions.

Intravenous short-duration anesthesia is one way of achieving sedation but it is not preferred since it requires the medication to be injected inside the vein of the arm. An injection needle may further frighten the patient, and therefore it is not a very widely accepted option. It is also very crucial to administer the right amount of sedative for the right period of time to ensure safe sedation.

Another way of sedation is nitrous oxide inhalation sedation. At the best dental clinic in Ahmedabad Teeth Care Centre®, we provide the safest and most convenient form of dental sedation, the world’s no.1 Matrx brand of nitrous oxide as conscious sedation. No pills or injections are used. A mask is placed over the nose and nitrous oxide gas is passed through it. As you begin to breathe in the gas, you slowly drift into a stress-free state. Minimal to zero pain is felt during this phase, and sometimes you may easily fall asleep. But you will be able to respond to the dentist’s command. The effect of the gas wears off as soon as the mask is taken off. You will gain full consciousness immediately.

Sedation through nitrous oxide has no side effects and it’s safe for both children and adults. It is most commonly used for those who experience anxiety while undergoing dental treatments. This form of conscious sedation relieves them of all fear and apprehension. Our concerned dentist is highly trained and certified to perform conscious sedation; so that you can be assured that you are in safe hands.